Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya is an upcoming Punjabi movie. Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya is a comedy family drama movie. And its going to release in the theater on 29 July 2022 in the Punjabi language. Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya is directed by Amrinder Gill and written by Amberdeep Singh. This movie will only release in Punjabi language. The release date of the movie Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya is 29 July 2022. Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya OTT Release Date
After watching the trailer of the movie Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the Youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 5 million views on the youtube channel in one day. It seems the audience like to watch this movie. If you like to watch Punjabi movies then its will be the best option for you. You can watch this movie in the theater on 29 July 2022. Raed below down all cast and crew memebr and OTT release date of the movie Challa Mud Ke Nahi Aaya in detail.